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The provincial government is helping create 87 new child care spaces in South Vancouver, but advocates say much more needs to be done to help low-income families.
"In B.C., there's only child care space for about 12 per cent of the kids that need it," Pam Best, of the West Coast Child Care Resource Centre said Thursday.
"We're certainly concerned about the level of support for child care in B.C." On Thursday, Minister of State for Women's Equality Lynn Stephens announced in Vancouver that the government will provide $322,000 to help create 87 new licensed child care spaces in the city. "We are meeting our New Era commitment to increase child care choices for parents by encouraging the expansion of safe, affordable child care spaces," said Stephens.
Champlain Heights Community Association received $113,624 for a renovation that will create 45 new pre-school and out-of-school child care spaces. The Association of Neighbourhood Houses of Greater Vancouver also received $208,565 toward a new child care centre that will create 42 child care spaces.
-Reprinted from The Vancouver Sun