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Social Welfare Minister Ravindra Samaraweera will introduce a National Policy on Early Childhood Development shortly. The vision of this policy will be ensure the right of every Sri Lankan child for optimum early childhood care and development, Social Welfare Ministry Secretary Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Jagarasasingam told the 'Daily News' yesterday.
She said that promoting holistic growth and development of all children by providing a safe, caring and conducive environment in the home and other settings, well supported by a comprehensive and integrated system of early childhood care and development services will be the mission of the new policy.
The areas of action will be education of parents and care givers using all available channels of communication, mobilizing and supporting communities to organize childcare centres in rural and urban setting, improving and expand existing training facilities for childcare givers, continue, expand and improve existing health and nutrition services, children in especially difficult circumstances and mobilizing of inputs from different stakeholder.
According to the proposed management structure for implementing ECCD activities, a National Committee will be set up in the Ministry of Social Welfare to include representatives from other relevant Ministries, NGO and specialists.
-Reprinted from the Sunday Observer