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Child care in the province gets a D+ rating in the May edition of "Today's Parent" magazine. Saskatchewan is tied with Newfoundland and Labrador as the second worst province.
The magazine says Quebec, the top performer, has a regulated child care space for one in every five children. The figure for Saskatchewan is less than one in 20.
But Joanne Crofford, the minister of community resources, says that rating doesn't give the whole picture.
She says preschools weren't included in the count of child care spaces in Saskatchewan because the province doesn't regulate them, but other provinces do.
"I think if you're going to ensure quality, you have to get into some level of regulation," says Crofford.
She is asking parents, schools and caregivers how the system should change, and is working on an overall plan for child care and early learning in Saskatchewan.
- reprinted from CBC-Saskatchewan