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Continue Liberal plans for child care: Fort Town [CA-ON]

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Brockville Recorder & Times
Publication Date: 
4 Apr 2006

See text below.


The Town of Prescott is formally lobbying the new Conservative government in Ottawa to proceed with the former Liberal government's plan to establish a national child-care program.

A resolution backed by council on Monday said the $4.8 billion over five years the Liberals were to funnel to the provinces for child care would be of more benefit to Prescott than the Conservatives' plan to provide $1,200 for families for each child they have younger than six and tax credits to businesses to create child-care spaces.

The resolution says residents of Prescott "are having difficulty appreciating the new government's intention to provide choice for all parents when we in Prescott have no choice as there are very limited options available for day care."

On the idea of using tax credits to entice employers to provide child-care spaces, council's resolution says "we no longer have an industrial base to take advantage of your incentives to create day cares."

- reprinted from Brockville Recorder & Times
