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Child-care activists say the Conservative government's change of heart on climate change has bolstered hopes it might rethink its child-care policy.
"It's encouraging they have seen the error of their ways in other areas, such as the environment," said Monica Lysack, executive director of the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada.
Lysack was among a group of child-care advocates who gathered Monday at an Ottawa child-care centre to slam the Conservative government's failure so far to provide details of its promise to spend $250 million a year over the next five years, beginning April 1, to create 125,000 child-care spaces.
The Code Blue for Child Care campaign &emdash; which brings together child-care organizations and other groups &emdash; unveiled a report card at the event that gave the prime minister failing grades for his government's child-care plan, the centerpiece of which is a taxable monthly allowance of $100 for each child under the age of six.
"Stephen Harper has some trouble understanding basic concepts. His major term project, the universal child-care plan, is not child care," said Rachel Besharah, an early childhood educator in Ottawa.
- reprinted from the CanWest News Service