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Virginie Isquin's dream of affordable neighbourhood daycare for both her children is a step closer.
The Côte St. Paul area mother of two was happy to learn yesterday that Family Minister Michelle Courchesne has included Enfants Soleil Inc. among the $7-a-day centres authorized to add some of the 18,000 new places across the province over two years.
Her first-born Antoine Legrand, who turns 3 Aug. 29, is already there, and Isquin is eager for his brother, 5-month-old Aurèle, to be close by once she's ready to go back to work as a speech therapist.
"I am taking a year and half maternity leave in the hope that when he's 2 the nursery will be ready," she said.
Enfants Soleil learned yesterday it can open 80 new places by 2010, including nursery space.
"This is very good news. I have lots of friends in the area with newborn children and there is no room for them in subsidized daycare," Isquin said.
They have to depend on family to care for their children or spend up to $30 a day in private care.
But, she added a note of skepticism about a new facility - "I'll believe it when I see it."
Natalie Paquette, Enfants Soleil director, said 10 places will be set aside as a nursery.
"We're going to buy a new building, financed by the ministry," she said.
Other centres were awaiting permission to simply expand and some of these spaces will be available next year.
There is so much demand for subsidized daycare in the Ville Émard-Côte St. Paul area that people have to wait two and three years for a spot, she said.
"We educate by teaching kids to socialize and learn through play," she said.
The facility will also have places for four children with developmental challenges.
With 2,000 places previously announced, a total of 5,382 new places are earmarked for the Montreal region.
With the additional places, Quebec will have a total of 220,000 subsidized daycare places by 2010. Courchesne has said they will cost Quebec $235 million.
- reprinted from The Gazette