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It's too early to say which schools will get the new full-day learning program and when as a new early-learning program slowly ramps up, Premier Dalton McGuinty said today.
"Is my school in or is my school out? Don't know yet," McGuinty told reporters, noting he will take the summer to consult with report author Charles Pascal on where best to start.
Schools in economically depressed areas will most likely take priority in a bid to ease costs for poor parents as part of the government's anti-povery efforts, and in schools that already have space for more kids to partake in full-day learning.
Despite tough economic times and an expected $18.5 billion deficit this year, the premier said that the government has set aside $200 million for the 2010 school year and $300 million the following year to start full-day learning for four- and five-year-olds.
"I don't know how quickly we can get it done for every child in Ontario," he added, calling Pascal's recommendations "far-reaching" and "ambitious."
He wouldn't get into details on how the government plans to bridge the touchy issue of the salary gap between higher-paid teachers and lesser-paid early childhood education teachers from day cares when they combine efforts in the classroom.
He called for "goodwill" from all sides and said, "We're going to have to find a way to work together on this."
- reprinted from the Toronto Star