See text below
On Saturday, May 8, moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters,
brothers and others who care about children will rally on the steps of
Parliament Hill to urge the federal government to provide mothers with
the gift of access to high quality, universal child care programs for
Mother's Day.
The event is being organized by Ad Hoc Coalition for Women's
Equality and Human Rights. Participants will sing the praises of quality
child care programs and lament the lack of government action to the
tune of well-known nursery rhymes and children's songs. Carnations will
be handed out to women at the event to celebrate mothering in all its
forms. Participants will be invited to sign a giant Mother's day card,
and guest speakers will talk about why Canada needs a pan-Canadian child
care system.
"All children in Canada deserve access to quality child care
programs, not just the lucky few," Said Susan Russell of the Ad Hoc
Coalition for Women's Equality and Human Rights.
"The state of child care in Canada today is unacceptable. We are
tired of finishing last on the international stage, with the lowest
public funding and the lowest rate of access in the industrialized
world. Most developed countries publicly fund their child care programs.
We know that it can be done: all it takes is political leadership."
- reprinted from Market Wire