children playing

Ford compared to the Grinch by parents in need of child care

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Peat, Don
Publication Date: 
7 Dec 2011


You're a mean one...Mayor Rob Ford?

A small group of protesters from the Toronto "Stop the Cuts!" Coalition came to City Hall Thursday demanding Ford reverse child care cuts being debated by the budget committee.

"You're a mean one, Mr. Ford," the group sang. "These cuts make you a heel."

The group claimed they were sending a holiday message to Ford and called him "The Grinch Who Stole Child Care."

Carrying signs asking Ford to be a mensch not a Grinch and with one protester dressed as the Grinch from the Dr. Seuss book, the group of parents, children and child care workers stopped outside the mayor's office door to sing, chant and deliver speeches.

No one from the mayor's office came out to greet the protesters but several city councillors, including Councillor Janet Davis, joined in on the protest.

"I'm so glad you came down here," Davis told the crowd, adding the city "shouldn't be closing any child care centres."

Sarah Vance said they were at City Hall Thursday to stop the closure of three child care centres and put pressure on the government to expand child care services.

"We know who the boss is, the boss is Rob Ford, Rob Ford could change this," Vance said.

She said she needs a child care subsidy to ensure her daughter gets child care.

"I am one of thousands and thousands and thousands of parents in similarly desperate situations," she said.


- reprinted from the Toronto Sun
