The City of Kingston and the County of Frontenac have made it safe, fast and convenient to find childcare with the Centralized Childcare Registry and Information Service (CCRIS), which launched this week at kingstonchildcare.ca .
"The new Centralized Childcare Registry and Information Service website will assist families requiring childcare to identify the service options offered by many licensed childcare agencies in Kingston and Frontenac," said Adele LaFrance, Director of Community and Family Services. "Families will be able to research and register for both immediate and future childcare services through this website."
Residents can now go to one website to learn about a variety of daycare options and fill out one application to find childcare for all their children.
The new site offers:
- Comprehensive information on many of the area's different childcare providers.
- A map that shows the childcare providers closest to your home or work place.
- The ability to apply to any number of licensed childcare programs for all your children through a single secure application (privacy ensured). You may update your application online at any time.
-reprinted from the Kingston Herald