Re: The rise of dad culture, June 21
The article by Liz Brown opened my eyes regarding the shift in gender norms among young families in Canada.
I was thrilled to read about Bryony and Peter Lewicki's arrangement for the care of their young children. I am mother with young children also, and my husband has made one thing clear - we are both equally responsible for our household and care of our children.
I am happy to see the "renegotiation of gender roles" being addressed in the mainstream media. This says to me, we are moving in the right direction toward gender equality in Canadian society.
I hope this trend continues and issues surrounding gender equality will be addressed - i.e.: the wage gap, parental leave and national child care.
For now, I am thankful for men like Peter, and my husband, who have renegotiated the gender roles for their families. It is very inspiring!
-reprinted from The Toronto Star