With $107 million in new spending in the P.E.I. provincial budget, there are few areas of government that did not see a boost in the new fiscal year.
Here are some of the larger projects the government announced.
More teachers
An additional $17 million in the education and early learning budget is going to bring more teachers to the classroom, additional classroom supports and more childcare spaces.
- 19 new classroom teachers.
- 25 frontline positions, including EAL and education assistant positions.
- 32 education assistant positions.
- 200 new childcare spaces.
The new childcare spaces are in addition to 200 already announced by the federal government.
Childcare workers will see a 2 per cent pay increase, and funding for childcare subsidies will also go up.
Funding for autism services in classrooms is up $600,000.
-reprinted from CBC News