Parents in Nova Scotia are waiting to hear what the back to school plan is.
According to the Nova Scotia Teachers Union, they believe there are three scenarios on the table.
The most likely of the three options is having students going back to school in September with social and physical distancing guidelines in place.
The second option would see students rotating days between going to school, and working from home.
The last option, and at this point the least likely, would be to have all students stay home and do their schooling remotely.
Paul Wozney is the president of the NSTU, and he says the delay from the province and lack of specifics when it comes to a plan is making it difficult for teachers to plan ahead for what will be a very different school year, and it’s also hard on parents who are trying to figure out their child care situations.
“Rightfully, people are really concerned about whether they can afford to go back to work if they’ve got to provide child care or support kids to work from home,” says Wozney.
The provincial government has said plans for reopening schools will be communicated by the end of the month.