Child Care Now - Nova Scotia
Press release
Publication Date:
23 Aug 2021
August 23rd, 2021
KJIPUKTUK/HALIFAX — Child Care Now Nova Scotia would like to congratulate Tim Houston and the Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party for their majority win in the election on August 17th.
“We look forward to meeting with your government as soon as your ministers are designated,”
said Amber Rehill, a member of the Steering Committee of Child Care Now NS and a parent of two (a 3-year-old and a 10-month-old).
As she points out, “As per the survey that was submitted to us on behalf of the Progressive Conservative party, we are pleased that your party committed to implementing the bilateral agreement. We now urge you to undertake meaningful and broad-based consultations as your government follows through on your commitment in a timely fashion.”
Margot Nickerson, an Early Childhood Educator and a member of the Steering Committee of Child Care Now Nova Scotia expressed the anxiety that many are feeling with a new government, “Although we appreciate that the Progressive Conservative party answered our election survey, there are still some questions left unanswered.
Does your government intend to go forward with the $500 grant to ECEs, as outlined in the bilateral agreement?
What is your government’s timeline for implementing the bilateral agreement?”
Child Care Now Nova Scotia looks forwarding to working with the Progressive Conservative government as crucial steps are taken to build a system of a universal, comprehensive, publicly funded, high quality, affordable, accessible, accountable, and not-for-profit Early Learning and Child Care system in Nova Scotia.
As Christine Saulnier, Child Care Now Nova Scotia Steering Committee member said, “We do note that in your answers to our survey, you have left the door open to continue to expand for-profit child care, which would go against existing evidence and the intent of the agreement. Taking an evidence-based approach will be necessary. As a group that was established at an integral time for child care in the province of Nova Scotia, we have the knowledge base and necessary connections to be a critical resource in the implementation process.”
For more information or to arrange an interview contact Murphy DaRocha, 902-809-8414 (cell) or ns@ccnow.ca for email.
Child Care Now NS was founded to advocate for a universal, comprehensive, publicly funded, high quality, affordable, accessible, accountable, and not-for-profit Early Learning and Child Care system in Nova Scotia.
KJIPUKTUK/HALIFAX — Child Care Now Nova Scotia would like to congratulate Tim Houston and the Nova Scotia Progressive Conservative Party for their majority win in the election on August 17th.
“We look forward to meeting with your government as soon as your ministers are designated,”
said Amber Rehill, a member of the Steering Committee of Child Care Now NS and a parent of two (a 3-year-old and a 10-month-old).
As she points out, “As per the survey that was submitted to us on behalf of the Progressive Conservative party, we are pleased that your party committed to implementing the bilateral agreement. We now urge you to undertake meaningful and broad-based consultations as your government follows through on your commitment in a timely fashion.”
Margot Nickerson, an Early Childhood Educator and a member of the Steering Committee of Child Care Now Nova Scotia expressed the anxiety that many are feeling with a new government, “Although we appreciate that the Progressive Conservative party answered our election survey, there are still some questions left unanswered.
Does your government intend to go forward with the $500 grant to ECEs, as outlined in the bilateral agreement?
What is your government’s timeline for implementing the bilateral agreement?”
Child Care Now Nova Scotia looks forwarding to working with the Progressive Conservative government as crucial steps are taken to build a system of a universal, comprehensive, publicly funded, high quality, affordable, accessible, accountable, and not-for-profit Early Learning and Child Care system in Nova Scotia.
As Christine Saulnier, Child Care Now Nova Scotia Steering Committee member said, “We do note that in your answers to our survey, you have left the door open to continue to expand for-profit child care, which would go against existing evidence and the intent of the agreement. Taking an evidence-based approach will be necessary. As a group that was established at an integral time for child care in the province of Nova Scotia, we have the knowledge base and necessary connections to be a critical resource in the implementation process.”
For more information or to arrange an interview contact Murphy DaRocha, 902-809-8414 (cell) or ns@ccnow.ca for email.
Child Care Now NS was founded to advocate for a universal, comprehensive, publicly funded, high quality, affordable, accessible, accountable, and not-for-profit Early Learning and Child Care system in Nova Scotia.