Four child-care centers in the district of Timiskaming have enrolled in the Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care (CWELCC) program.
A media release from the District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board states “the provincial and federal governments signed the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care agreement to lower fees for parents and to provide more accessible and high-quality childcare for Ontario families with children aged 0-5.”
Officials go on to say “for the parents whose children are registered in these centers, the result is reduced fees; a 25 percent fee reduction to April 1st, and a 50 percent reduction announcement in December, with the overarching goal to have a $10-a-day childcare, on average, by September 2025.
Officials add “in August of this year, the Ministry of Education released further specifications and extensions as they pertained to the CWELCC. These revisions included the deadline of November 1st, 2022, for childcare centers to enroll in the program.”
“We are encouraged to see the interest from the childcare centers to participate in the CWELCC program. This will help alleviate some of the financial pressures that childcare has on Ontarian families,” said Lyne Labelle, Children’s Services Manager.
The District of Timiskaming Social Services Administration Board serves the role of social service administrator with respect to management responsibilities for the childcare system in the district. This responsibility includes determining eligibility for fee subsidies for parents and quality assurance of all childcare centers, which will continue under CWELCC.