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‘For-profit’ ECE group’s 100-page wish list worries sector

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Kerr-Laurie, Brett
Publication Date: 
19 Sep 2024


A lengthy proposal from an early childhood education (ECE) group to get rid of adult-child ratios, pay parity, and paperwork has been met with a tidal wave of concern.

In June, the Ministry of Regulation launched its first review into the ECE sector to scrap rules that “didn’t stack up”. Opposition parties spoke out as feedback was collected.

More than 2300 submissions were received, including one from the Early Childhood Council, which represented 1500 centres with an aim to “promote the fundamental role of privately-owned and independent centres”.

The council’s 100-page document was released on Wednesday.

Aotearoa’s largest education union NZEI Te Riu Roa called the council a “for-profit” group and criticised its submission.

"Such reforms are purely in the interests of corporations and will not do anything to support the best education for children.“


Office of Early Childhood Education chief advisor Dr Sarah Alexander said the submission “illustrates a lot of rambling and self interest”.

“You never leave it to the producer or the manufacturer, who ever it is ... to set regulations for themselves - that is the purpose of having regulations."
