Early childhood educators working in licensed Yukon early learning and child care (ELCC) programs will have significantly more access to comprehensive insurance benefits, thanks to the launch of the Early Learning and Child Care Benefits Funding program.
The program provides compensation for up to 8 per cent of staff wages for employers to select and offer a comprehensive benefits package that meets the needs of their employees from a registered Canadian insurance provider. A combined total of $800,000 in funding from the governments of Canada and Yukon is available to every licensed ELCC program in the Yukon, including operators currently offering benefits for employees. Those operators can also receive retroactive funding for providing their employees with benefits from April 1, 2021.
Quick facts
- Licensed ELCC programs currently offering comprehensive benefits to employees from a registered Canadian insurance provider can submit an application to the ELCC Unit before January 1, 2022, and the funding may cover the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.
- Licensed ELCC programs not yet offering comprehensive benefits to employees can register in a program with a registered Canadian insurance provider, including a group benefits plan offered by their local Chamber of Commerce, and then submit an application to the ELCC Unit before February 15, 2022.
- The Government of Yukon, through the Department of Education’s Early Learning and Child Care Unit, has committed $400,000 towards supporting benefits programs for early childhood educators.
- In addition, the extension of the Canada-Yukon Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, signed with the Government of Canada in August 2021, included a federal one-time investment of nearly $2.5 million in 2021-11 to support the Yukon’s early childhood workforce. As part of this investment, $400,000 was identified to support comprehensive benefits programs for early childhood educators.