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After-school programs that promote child and adolescent development: Summary of a workshop

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Gootman, J.A. (Editor)
Publication Date: 
1 Jan 2001

Available in print for order (see SOURCE) and online for browsing.

Excerpt from the preface:

This report summarizes the presentations and discussions at a workshop entitled "Opportunities to promote child and adolescent development during the after-school hours" convened on October 21, 1999…The workshop brought together policy makers, researchers, and practitioners to examine research on the developmental needs of children and adolescents - ages 5 to 14 years - and the types of after-school programs designed to promote the health and development of these young people. Intended to provide a forum for discussion among the various stakeholders, the workshop did not generate conclusions about the types of programs that are most effective, nor did it generate specific recommendations about after-school programs or promote a particular approach.

The workshop coincided with the release of the Packard Foundation's fall 1999 issue of "The future of children" entitled, "When school is out". Focusing on after-school programs, the journal provided some context for the workshop, providing a backdrop for discussing the importance of after-school programs, the types of programs that exist across the country, and the policy climate that surrounds after-school programs.

The workshop was an effort to take stock of the current knowledge base on after-school programs and highlight key findings from recent research…It is [the Committee's] hope that this report will help to illuminate important issues of after-school programs that deserve further attention and consideration.