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Excerpt from press release:
Work/life conflict has increased markedly among Canadian workers over the past ten years. The conflicts shows up as: increased workload and hours of work; more stress; declining physical and mental health; increased absenteeism; lower job satisfaction and lower commitment to employers.
This study shows a growing proportion of the workforce is having difficulty balancing the competing roles of employee, parent, spouse and eldercare giver.
The paper recommends that employers: be more flexible on work hours and work and work location; increase employees' sense of control over their work; increase the number of supportive managers; and focus on creating more family-friendly work environments.
Among their recommendations to government, the authors argue for legislation protecting an employee's right to refuse overtime, take time off in lieu of overtime pay and entitling employees to up to five days paid personal leave per year. They also suggest that the federal government become a model employer in this area, take the lead in establishing national child care and eldercare programs in conjunction with the provinces, and strive to find ways to 'make work pay'.