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Excerpt from report:
"[the report] ...identifies the State Government's vision and principles for child care and encompasses these into five key result areas:
- Child care improving Queensland's standard of living;
- Better access to child care and early education services;
- Better employment and training opportunities for child care workers;
- Better planning for the provision of child care; and
- A new regulatory framework for child care in Queensland.
"Under each of the five key result areas, a number of outcomes have been identified. To achieve these outcomes, several strategies have been outlined which are to be implemented collaboratively across a range of Queensland Government agencies, in consultation with key stakeholders, over the next five years."
Excerpt from report:
"Child care and early education services are important to the social and economic development of Queensland. These services support families and employment. They are of critical importance to the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of young children and contribute to the overall well-being of the community.
"[The plan] ...aims to strengthen the child care industry, improve the delivery of services to children and families and promote a positive image of child care workers and services to the community.
"Three main themes and associated strategies were identified through discussions, workshops, and consultations between the Child Care Forum members and other interested stakeholders. The three themes are:
- Human resources and training
- Research
- Information technology