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Third national survey of First Nations people on-reserve

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Survey conducted by Ekos Research Associates for the Departments of: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Communication Canada, Health Canada, Canadian Heritage, and Natural Resources Canada
government document
Publication Date: 
10 Feb 2003

Excerpt from news release:

The Honourable Robert D. Nault, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, released the results of the third national survey of First Nations people living on-reserve.

The survey involved the participation of five federal departments: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Communication Canada, Health Canada, Canadian Heritage, and Natural Resources Canada. The results revealed that First Nations people, like most Canadians, are concerned about quality of life issues such as early childhood development, education, health and the environment.

Survey respondents felt very strongly that education is the key to a better quality of life for Aboriginal children and youth. They also believed that early childhood education is necessary in order for Aboriginal children to have a healthy beginning and increases their chances of completing their education. However, First Nations people also perceived lack of education as the single greatest challenge facing Aboriginal children and youth.
