Excerpts from press release:
A new report highlights critical issues for the future direction of care and education services for pre-school age children
After four years of initiatives in childcare and early years, the British Government is today (Tuesday 4 September 2001) urged to take stock and reflect on what kind of services, childhood and future we want for our children.
A major new report on early childhood services across Europe poses critical questions for the UK in developing an integrated and inclusive system of early childhood services that matches the best elsewhere.
"The UK at the crossroads: Towards an early years European partnership" by Peter Moss, Professor of Early Childhood Provision at the Institute of Education University of London, is published by the national childcare charity Daycare Trust. It is the second in a new series of Daycare Trust 'Facing the Future' policy papers.
The report contrasts demographics, employment and policies across the 15 member states of the European Union and summarises care and education services for pre-school age children. A detailed account is also given of two well established but contrasting early childhood systems in France and Sweden.