Excerpts from website and project description:
The challenge of recruitment and retention qualified early childhood care staff is a complex issue, caused by a multitude of factors. At this point in time, across Canada, individuals are addressing the issue within their own contexts, taking a subjective approach in their solutions without considering the broad systemic causes of the problem. For actions to successfully address the issue, it is important that as many factors as possible are identified so that a collective comprehensive plan of action can be developed.
Phase one and two of the "Retention and recruitment Of qualified staff In early childhood care programs" started the process for Nova Scotia. The third phase used the Nova Scotia early childhood experience in identifying factors which have an impact on recruiting and retaining qualified early childhood staff and explored recruitment and retention challenges and solutions in the provinces and territories.
The project took a community based development approach, building on the work already accomplished by Child Care Connections and within all the provinces and territories. It identified where retention and recruitment is a problem, and commissioned discussion papers on the five factor areas of training, policy, profession, work force, and societal attitudes.
- Workplace and workforce causes in the recruitment and retention of qualified child care staff, Gillian Doherty.
- To be or not to be Professionalism in early childhood care and education. The role of professional status in recruitment and retention (standards and recognition), Sandra Griffin.
- Babysitters or professionals? The role of social attitudes in the recruitment and retention of child care workers, Evelyn Ferguson.
- Recruitment and retention of early childhood educators and caregivers: The Policy Factor, Connie Miller.
- Education and training as factors that affect recruitment and retention of staff in early childhood care programs, Joanne Morris.
- Manitoba case study on retention and recruitment, Debra Mayer.
- Review of the issue of recruiting and retaining qualified child care staff in Quebec, Camille Gariépy.
- Nova Scotia environmental scan
- National scan
Note: other resources and papers are available.