Excerpts from the presentation: New realities create policy challenges when policy and program design do not match reality. Now, not only must Canadians strive to earn enough for their families; they must also struggle to ensure that they can care enough for them. We are in search of the policy mix that will allow families to balance these dual responsibilities in restructured families and labour market. What a new policy mix might do &em; example #1: Income and income supplements are important, but insufficient: - Low and middle-income families will not be able to pay market prices for the quality ECEC that the knowledge-based economy and good child development requires. Almost all OECD countries recognise that ECEC is a necessary component of the public education package. - Reliable and quality child care allows conscientious parents to choose and stay in employment. Evaluations of the welfare reform in the USA find breakdown of child care arrangements a primary factor in labour force exits.