See Chapter 4, pp. 111-123 for discussion of early learning and child care. This report also contains minority reports from each of the parties. Child care is a topic of discussion in the minority reports of the Liberal, New Democratic Party and Bloc Québécois minority reports.
Excerpts from Chapter 4:
The Committee believes that governments must work together in funding and delivering initiatives that will meet the needs of children of all ages. Canadians expect, and deserve, this coordinated effort by governments. Such an approach will require a focus on measures to eradicate child poverty as well as early childhood development and care, in order that no child in Canada is hungry, inadequately housed or clothed, or unable to fully realize his potential.
Many of the initiatives require that the federal and provincial/territorial governments work together to implement needed solutions, since initiatives involve a shared jurisdiction. The Committee is confident that the federal and provincial/territorial governments &emdash; which share the same goals regarding Canada's children &emdash; will be able to work together cooperatively. We caution, however, that in so doing, governments must focus on children of all ages and the full range of needs, and not limit their focus to younger children or nondisabled children. We also note that the budget making process involves making choices, and although a number of our witnesses recommended changes to the CCTB and the NTB, among other measures, we believe that such an increase is not possible at this time; instead, other actions &emdash; those of direct benefit to children and those from which children will benefit indirectly &emdash; should occur. Therefore, the Committee recommends that:
The federal government, along with interested provincial/territorial governments, at the earliest opportunity announce initiatives to reduce child poverty. These initiatives should include a national, accessible, affordable, high-quality, publicly funded, publicly regulated, not-for-profit child care system. Provincial/territorial governments that decide not to participate in these initiatives &emdash; but that instead institute their own initiatives &emdash; should receive appropriate compensation.