Report description:
Between August 9 and 28, 2006, the Government of Alberta undertook a public consultation to ensure that the federal child care spaces initiative would meet the needs of Albertans. The purpose of the consultation was to explore the views of the child care and business communities on the need for additional child care spaces in Alberta and on their perceived role in creating new spaces. Consultation participants were also asked about their views on the federal proposal to provide one-time tax credits or grants to support child care space creation.
This report provides an at-a-glance view of the child care priorities identified by Alberta families and reflected in the province's Five-Point Child Care Investment Plan. It also summarizes the results of Alberta's consultation on child care spaces.
Alberta's priorities and the results of the consultation will be shared with the federal government. The consultation findings will be used by the Alberta Children's Services to guide child care capacity&em;building strategies across the province.