Demand for childcare has soared over the past decade as Australian families seek to reconcile work and care responsibilities. But the cost of care keeps rising, waiting lists in many metropolitan centres are long, and high quality services are not always available.
Australia's system of early childhood education and care is fragmented, and the major political parties have failed to take a comprehensive approach to policy development. So what would a good system of early childhood education and care in Australia look like?
In this book, a selection of Australia's leading early childhood researchers, teachers, advocates and social policy experts consider:
- The goals of a good national system
- How a high quality and equitable early childhood education and care system can be delivered.
- What makes quality care?
- Who should provide and who should pay?
- Training and professional development for workers
- Regulation and funding of services
The authors offer a comprehensive set of policy principles that would deliver a better early childhood education and care regime for Australian children and their families.
Chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13 are available for preview. To preview chapters:
- Click 'Book preview' beside Availability above.
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- Scroll down, under 'Files in This Item' in the grey box click 'View/Open' to view chapter in pdf.