Description: This seminar is the fourth in the ICMEC international seminar series 2007/2008. This seminar was organized in partnership with the Overseas Development Institute. It set out to explore the operation of the for-profit market in the provision of early childhood care and education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Dr Hasina Ebrahim from the School of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal was the first speaker and reported on a study she conducted among private daynurseries in Durban, Natal, 'Conflicting discourses of private nursery entrepreneurs in KwaZulu-Natal.' The Power Point slides from her presentation can be accessed beside Availability above. Dr Marito Garcia, lead human development economist at the World Bank's Human Development Department, Africa Region, asked the question; "who provides" in an exploration of the role of the private market in early childhood development in Africa. Dr. Garcia's Power point presentation notes can also be accessed beside the Availability link above. The presentations were followed by a lively discussion, after which delegates at this seminar were joined by others for the launch of a new book produced earlier this year by the World Bank: Africa's Future, Africa's Challenge: Early Childhood Care and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Edited by Marito Garcia, Alan Pence and Judith Evans, all this book's chapters were contributed by World Bank staff. Dr Caroline Harper, ODI Research Fellow and Porgramme Leader, Social Development, chaired its UK launch, while Professor Helen Penn, Co-director of ICMEC and Dr Hasina Ebrahim provided responses to Dr Garcia's introduction to the issues discussed in the book. Academics, policy makers and analysts, journalists and students were joined by workers from a range of international development agencies for this event which took place at ODI's headquarters in Waterloo, United Kingdom. All presentations as well as the discussion forming part of this launch can be accessed through the Related link above. Audio can be found in the blue box on the right side of the Events page. Previous seminars can be viewed on the CRRU Private Commodity or Public Good? website in the Country case studies >United Kingdom >Documents category.