'Listening to children about childcare' is a strand of Daycare Trust's Listening to Families research project. The project, being funded by the Department for Children, Schools and Families, looks at the experiences of and views on childcare among families in England today.
This paper gives an overview of what children between the ages of six and twelve said about childcare. It is an interim paper &em; the first from Daycare Trust's 'Listening to children about childcare' research.
What do children really think about childcare? What would they most like to do after school and during school holidays? Given a choice, would children opt for having more or less childcare? These are some of the questions Daycare Trust asked children between the ages of six and 12 (up to age 18 for those with disabilities). In all 88 children around England were consulted, including children and young people with disabilities, children in rural areas, and children from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds.