Excerpts from the report:
This guide is, primarily, for commissioners and designers of children's play areas.
The guide is also intended to inform the creation of outdoor play space for years to come, that does justice to children's endless capacity for adventure and imagination, their fundamental need for exercise and social interaction and, above all, to their innate sense of fun. It is also aimed at those responsible for the wider public realm, and aims to show that well-used and well-loved places to play will often be integrated within the cohesive design of a wider community space.
Places where children play can be important social places, not just for children and young people, but also for parents, carers and the wider community. They should be places where children and young people can enjoy spending time, be physically active, interact with their natural surroundings, experience change and continuity, take risks in an environment where they feel safe and, of course, play &em; alone or with others &em; in a wide variety of ways.