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Breaking down barriers: Immigrant families and early childhood education in New York City

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Coalition for Asian American Children & Families (CACF)
Kirmani, Rasmia & Leung, Vanessa
Publication Date: 
1 May 2008


CACF was selected as 1 of 5 organizations by the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) to conduct research on immigrant families and their access to early childhood education. This report focuses on Bangladeshi, Chinese, Dominican, Haitian, Korean and Russian communities of New York City. This policy brief:

• Identifies the strengths and challenges confronting immigrant families trying to access early childhood education.

• Promotes an understanding of the effective policies and practices that encourage immigrant families to participate in early childhood education programs.

• Increases knowledge of immigrant parents' perspectives, preferences, and expectations of early childhood education programs and experiences.

• Provides policy recommendations on improving immigrant families' access to early childhood education in New York City.

Important findings conclude that many of New York City's immigrant families are unable to take advantage of the benefits of early childhood education because of barriers preventing their access to these programs.
