The 2009 Budget Plan was tabled in the House of Commons on January 28, 2008 by the Honourable James H. Flaherty, Minister of Finance.
Excerpts from 2009 budget regarding the National Child Benefit Supplement and the Canada Child Tax Benefit:
"Budget 2009 proposes to apply the new upper limit for the 15-per-cent tax bracket for income testing the National Child Benefit supplement (NCBs) and the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB). As a result, low-income families will be able to earn an additional $1,894 and still receive the maximum NCBs. Families will also be able to earn an additional $1,894 before their NCBs is fully phased out or before their base benefit under the CCTB begins to be phased out."
"These increases will result in additional benefits for families with income in the current benefit phase-out ranges&emdash;up to $436 for a low-income family with two children, and up to $76 for a middle-income family with two children."
"It is estimated that this measure will cost $230 million in 2009&em;10 and $310 million in 2010&em;11."
Early childhood care and learning was not mentioned in the 2009 budget plan.
LIBERAL RESPONSE TO BUDGET (see link above for video)
"We are putting this government on probation," Ignatieff said. "This budget does not include one word about accountability."
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff wants the Conservatives to provide periodic economic status reports to Parliament. The Liberals are demanding reports on the budget's implementation and its cost, starting in March with others in June and December.