Description: Employers—including administrators, managers, executive directors, and boards of directors—are a key target audience for addressing the human resource challenges facing the ECEC workforce. Yet Canada’s ECEC sector is diverse with no consistent national policy and approach. As a result, the context in which employers work varies by province and territory. In addition, employers operate in a wide range of governance models and employment settings. Each of these factors contributes to a lack of definition and information about who ECEC employers are, the range of employers’ human resources needs, and how those needs can best be met. This paper contains summary data and highlights from the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council’s Supporting Employers in ECEC project. Funded by Human Resources and Social Development Canada, the project seeks to clearly define the range of employer governance models in Canada’s early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector and identify the human resource needs of employers by model. The Supporting Employers in ECEC Project began in June 2007.The final project report and related documents will be released in 2009.