Press release:
The College of Early Childhood Educators welcomes the recommendations of Dr. Charles Pascal's report, With our Best Future in Mind, Implementing Early Learning in Ontario, which was released today.
"Today is a good day for children in Ontario," said Lois Mahon, President of the Council of the College of Early Childhood Educators. "Dr. Pascal's report recognizes the value that early childhood education, through play-based curriculum has in the development of children. We look forward to further dialogue with government, our members, parents and the sector in order to enhance early childhood education throughout Ontario".
Early childhood educators have a unique skill set that includes assessing children's developmental needs and stages in all developmental domains; designing curriculum to address children's identified needs, stages of development and interests; planning programs and environments for play and activities that help children make developmental progress; and maintaining healthy emotional and social learning contexts for children.
The report recommends that a team of both early childhood educators and teachers would work best for the Early Learning Program. Examples of these educator teams already exist in the province. As a result of the combined strengths of both of these professions, children are the ones who benefit.
"The College of Early Childhood Educators (the College) ensures that only qualified and competent individuals are registered as members," said Dainora Juozapavicius, Registrar for the College of Early Childhood Educators. We look forward to working together with our members and the government in moving ahead with a comprehensive learning model that recognizes the valued role that our members play in early childhood education as qualified, regulated professionals".
The legislation to create the College of Early Childhood Educators was passed in 2007 by the Government of Ontario. Early childhood educators work in a variety of settings including, but not limited to: infant, toddler and preschool (including child care and nursery school) programs.
- reprinted from the CNW Group