See links below.
This week, several major reports with different perspectives called for universal high-quality child care, as did many statements marking the 20th anniversary of the Montreal Massacre December 6, which identified child care as a key component of women's quality:
Are we doing enough? A status report on Canadian public policy and child and youth health (link no longer available)
Report from the Canadian Paediatric Society assessing the effectiveness and need for government intervention in Canadian child and youth health.
See page 34 for early learning and child care where it is expressed that "The Canadian Paediatric Society believes that early learning and child care must be universal, affordable, accessible and of high-quality. It calls upon the federal government to take a leadership role in developing a pan-Canadian strategy for early learning and child care."
In from the margins: A call to action on poverty, housing and homelessness
Report from the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology's Subcommittee on Cities on the current state of poverty, housing and homelessness.
See page 55 for early childhood education. As part of their recommendations the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology recommend that the federal government coordinate a nationwide federal/provincial initiative on early childhood learning.
A prosperous and sustainable future for Canada: Needed federal actions
Report from the Standing Committee on Finance on pre-budget consultations. See pages 9-11 and 145.
Child care in representative statements commemorating the Montreal Massacre:
The Montreal massacre and the status of women.