Excerpt from the New Brunswick plan:
Opportunities for becoming (life-long learning and skills acquisition)
a) Invest in the early learning and child care sector to ensure that a minimum of 20% of infants and 50% of two to five year olds in the province may access registered early learning space;
b) Provide a literacy mentor, through collaboration with the business and non-profit sectors, to every student in grades one and two who is struggling to read, so that every child may graduate with adequate literacy and numeracy skills through the leadership of the Elementary Literacy/Litteratie au primaire;
c) Introduce an Early Learning and Child Care Act;
d) The McCain Foundation will fund 5 additional integrated early learning sites;
e) Advance the community school concept with a particular focus on literacy and numeracy, life skills, experiential learning, trades and cooperative education, and extra-curricular activities;
f) Continue training teachers to expand educational program options to accommodate diverse learning styles