Selected articles in Volume 11, Issue 1:
Peter Moss
We cannot continue as we are: the educator in an education for survival
A. Bame Nsamenang
Issues in and challenges to professionalism in Africa's cultural settings
Zahirul Islam
From 'marginality' to 'mainstream': a narrative of early childhood professionalism in Bangladesh
Hasina Banu Ebrahim
Conflicting discourses of private nursery entrepreneurs in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Iris Duhn
'The centre is my business': neo-liberal politics, privatisation and discourses of professionalism in New Zealand
Carmen Dalli
Towards the re-emergence of a critical ecology of the early childhood profession in New Zealand
Eva Lloyd & Elaine Hallet
Professionalising the early childhood workforce in England: work in progress or missed opportunity?
Marianne Fenech, Jennifer Sumsion & Wendy Shepherd
Promoting early childhood teacher professionalism in the Australian context: The place of resistance
Anke van Keulen
The early childhood educator in a critical learning community: towards sustainable change
Rachel Langford
Critiquing child-centred pedagogy to bring children and early childhood educators into the centre of a democratic pedagogy