This edition of Early Childhood Matters offers a first introduction to the Bernard van Leer Foundation's thinking as we flesh out our new goals for the period 2010 to 2015. In a keynote article programme director Michael Feigelson explains the foundation's preliminary thinking behind each of the new goals -- why they excite us, and what we hope to achieve. The other articles explore various aspects of the new goals and include contributions from the Wolfensohn Centre, WHO and UNICEF; an interview with UN special representative on violence against children, Marta Santos Pais; and country-specific insights from Brazil, the Netherlands and Turkey.
In this issue:
New horizons: The Bernard van Leer Foundation's new goals
Michael Feigelson
Scaling up Early Child Development
Sara Hommel
Care for Child Development
Meena Cabral de Mello, Nurper Ulkuer and Patrice Engle
"We need data to find out exactly what's going on"
An interview with Marta Santos Pais
Violence against young children: What does gender have to do with it?
Gary Barker and Marcos Nascimento
The status of children in local government spatial planning
Lia Karsten
Children of Turkish seasonal workers
Muge Artar
Space to play: Experiences from Sao Paulo
Marco Figueiredo
Improving the life chances of low-income young children in urban Brazil
Irene Rizzini and Malcolm Bush