CCPA has now made this publication available free online in its entirety.
How we care for our children says everything about the communities we create and the kind of society in which we live, and how we can collectively make them even better.
This issue of Our Schools/Our Selves takes a broad, comprehensive view of child care and early childhood education and examines it though a variety of different lenses to offer readers a number of points of entry into this nuanced and multifaceted topic. It brings together Canada's leading researchers, writers and activists who have contributed so much to the debates about, and our knowledge of, how we can best care for and educate our youngest and most vulnerable, and how we must support families in this enormously important responsibility.
Articles in this issue:
- Table of contents & editorial - Erika Shaker
- Ending misperceptions about child care
- The fight for a publicly-funded child care system in Canada - Lynell Anderson & Jody Dallaire
- Can Canada walk and chew gum? - Martha Friendly
- Lessons to be learned from Quebec's child care system - Christa Japel & Carole Welp
- Promoting children's welfare in the Nordic countries - Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland
- Labour and early learning and child care: An ideal union - Margot Young
- Child care services: A major missing piece of the family support puzzle - Lynell Anderson and Paul Kershaw
- A tough day at the nursery - Erika Shaker
- Privatizing child care services is riskier than you think - Steven Shrybman
- Child care in Australia - Deborah Brennan & Mab Oloman
- Political will, child care, and Canadian federalism - Barbara Cameron
- The long reach of early childhood - Dr. Fraser Mustard & Pippa Rowcliffe
- Disability and inclusion: Changing attitudes -- Changing policy - Debra Mayer
- Which comes first: Child or politics? - Stephanie O'Brien
- Co-operative, non-profit, and participatory: How parents and child care support each other - Richard Girard & Lisa Greaves
- Child care and poverty reduction: Where's the best fit? - Laurel Rothman
- Make child poverty history? Yes we can - Bernie Froese-Germain
- Women and choice in child care - Nancy Peckford
- To speak, participate and decide: The child's right to be heard - Kim Wilson
- Child care in rural and remote communities - Mira Hall
- Put your money where your wealth is - Sherri Torjman
- More time for daddy - Diane-Gabrielle Tremblay
- Family life and work life: An uneasy balance - The Vanier Institute
- Old dollars, new sense - Susan Prentice
- The struggle for child care: One advocate's story - Rita Chudnovsky