Enclosed you will find a series of ideas, approaches and resource links for those delivering early childhood education. The information was gathered at the 5th Annual
ECE Affinity Group Forum, held in Vancouver from November 4-6, 2010. Forum participants were given the opportunity to share leading practices with colleagues from across the country during the Something to Share part of the program.
About the ECE Affinity Group:
Since it was established in 2005, the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Affinity Group has been bringing together faculty of Canada's ECE post-secondary education community to:
- stimulate dialogue, learning and interchange that informs Affinity Group members;
- promote linkages and sharing of resources (curriculum, delivery formats, resources) between and amongst institutions;
- engage participants in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning opportunities;
- advance and advocate for excellence in early childhood education and training that, in turn, promotes high quality early learning and care services for Canada's children and families; and
- collaborate with the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council and other national organizations.
The main activity for the ECE Affinity Group has been the Annual Forum, which was first held in Winnipeg in 2006, followed by Toronto in 2007; Montreal in 2008; Edmonton in 2009; Vancouver in 2010; and finally, the upcoming 2011 Forum being held in Ottawa from October 20-22, 2011.