This Youtube video puts together two episodes of DadLabs, looking at paternity leave and child care.
DadLabs in Stockholm! Is Sweden the most dad-friendly nation on earth? The DadLabs crew hits the road to investigate. Daddy Brad and Daddy Clay report their findings on Swedish paternity leave policies and daycare.
When it comes to caring for children, Sweden ranks highest among the worlds wealthy countries, according to a new report from the United Nations childrens organization, UNICEF.
Sweden is the only one which meets all ten of Unicef's recommended benchmarks.
All working parents are entitled to 16 months paid leave per child, the cost being shared between employer and State. with both mothers and fathers entitled and encouraged to share the leave. The leave can be taken at any time until the child reaches the age of seven.
In line with the Swedish states strict policy of promoting sexual equality, mothers and fathers are expected to share the 480 days equally. It is possible for one parent to take up to 420 days of the total leave, but the remaining 60 days are then reserved for the other parent.