Children in Europe is not available online but subscriptions and single issues (current and back issues) can be purchased from the Children in Europe website online and in print at: www.childreninscotland.org.uk
About Children in Europe:
Children in Europe is the leading publication about early childhood education and care (ECEC) policy studies, research and good practice in Europe. The magazine provides a forum for exchanging ideas, practice and information, celebrates diversity, and contributes to the development of policy and practice at European and national levels. Each issue of the twice-yearly publication has a special focus, featuring articles by experts in the field from across Europe. It is now published simultaneously in 15 languages by a network of national magazines in 17 countries.
Issue 20: Europe's youngest citizens- services and leave provision for under-threes
This most recent issue focuses on children under three years of age, discussing why most countries put fewer resources into services for this age group, examining policy and practice from across Europe and considering the relationship of services to parental leave provisions. The emphasis is on universal access and an integrated approach to education and care.
Examples of ECEC in Europe for under-threes are explored; from formative experiences, to the image of the child protagonist in Italy, to peer interaction in Sweden. Authors look at the findings of the European Commission-funded (EC) 'Working for Inclusion' programme, and examine the community focus of the under-three curriculum in Finland. They also explore how to get a better work-life balance, models of education and care in Denmark, and reactions to the new EC Communications on early education and care.
In addition to the magazine, Children in Europe organizes conferences on ECEC issues. A number of events are planned to discuss themes in Issue 20, the first of which is a conference in New Lanark, Scotland, site of the world's first integrated ECEC service, on June 6, 2011. More event information can be found at the Children in Europe website.