Excerpts from the document:
Stephen Harper has undermined women's equality since he was first elected in 2006. His first act was to cancel the early learning and child care agreements, which would have begun the process of making early learning and child care more affordable and accessible for women and their families.
The Harper government has cut funding to Status of Women Canada by 37 per cent. It has also cut the funding of many important women's equality groups.
The Harper Conservatives also work against women's equality through budget measures. The latest example was the announcement of income splitting for couples with children. Only 13 per cent of all Canadian families are headed by couples with a single earner making enough to meet the guidelines, so only the richest among them will accrue any significant tax savings. The biggest winners from income splitting are higher-income male breadwinners.
Income-splitting does nothing for those who are most in need: single parents, unattached individuals, and families with no employed members or with self-employed members.