Link to press release no longer available
Mothers across Toronto continue to be frustrated with the lack of affordable, high-quality childcare - and with the failure of all levels of government to listen to the perspectives of mothers, who are primarily responsible for child care.
The recently formed Mothers for Child Care intends to investigate the accessibility, quality and affordability of child care services in Toronto. They are launching a Task Force that will hold hearings and discussions across Toronto to gather information from parents about challenges accessing affordable, high-quality child care. An online survey will also be administered.
The group is supported by a growing list of organizations including YWCA Toronto, YWCA Canada, Family Services Toronto, the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, the Toronto Coalition for Better Child Care, the South Asian Women's Rights Organization and the Toronto Women's City Alliance.
The Task Force will launch its project on Mother's Day with mothers sharing their experiences of trying to secure good child care in Toronto.
WHAT: Launch of the Mothers' Task Force on Child Care
WHEN: Mother's Day - Sunday, May 8 at 11 am
WHERE: Network Child Care Services, 756 Ossington Ave (North of TTC station on Ossington)
WHO:Jennifer Kim, mother
Petra Kukacka, mother
Sarah Blackstock, YWCA Toronto
Invited guest: Councillor Janet Davis
Other mothers will be in attendance who are willing to share their child care experiences.
VISUALS: children playing in a child care setting; mothers with children sharing their concerns about child care in Toronto
-reprinted from Canada Newswire