Excerpts from the report:
This report, Taking the Pulse, was commissioned by the BCPVPA to document the first wave of FDK implementation in British Columbia so that insight gained from the twelve case studies could influence further stages of implementation.
This research study was designed to provide the system with insight into the first year of FDK: how it was received by parents; the difference it made for children's learning; the hurdles that were surpassed; the resources and facility issues; the creative solutions teachers proposed; and how the system coped with implementation by approximately half the schools in the province.
Data were collected through a series of interviews and a survey over an eleven-month period from August 2010 to June 2011. The Executive Summary reports the majority views of these three groups as well as important minority viewpoints. Quotes from individual respondents throughout the report provide rich and personal insight into key topics under investigation. The only quotes that were eliminated from the report were those that were repetitious or those that identified individuals, schools, or districts. Although there are limited numbers of negative quotes, all viewpoints expressed in the negative are included in the list of
quotes; the majority of the quotes are positive, as were the results of the parent survey.