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About Children in Europe:
Children in Europe is a magazine for everyone working with and for children from 0-10 and those interested in children's issues. It is published simultaneously in 15 languages by a network of national magazines.
About Issue 21:
This issue celebrates the 10th anniversary of ‘Children in Europe' and a decade of working together and learning together. The issue focuses on competences, from the perspective of all parties - including children. It seeks to present competences not as a set of skills to be measured but as the foundation for universal educator competence that will allow every child a better chance to realise their own potential.
Table of contents:
Editor-in-chief Welcome
Helena Burić
Editorial overview
Jan Peeters and Stig G Lund
Competence - what do you need to know and do?
Claire Cameron considers the competence debate from an English perspective
Competent systems needed: findings and recommendations from a European research project
What makes a competent early childhood practitioner? Michel Vandenbroeck and Mathias Urban discuss the recent CORE report on early childhood education and care
Increasing team competence in examining practice critically
Building competence is something for the whole team, say Paul Leseman and Pauline Slot
Learning the job: how practitioners support each other
Colleagues can be important in helping develop competences. Jan Peeters and Steven Brandt explain how
Empowering learning teams: a pathway to increasing competence
Building professional competences can be highly effective in transforming learning communities. Dawn Tankersley, Tatjana Vonta and Helena Burić share their experiences
Increasing competences of children through wellbeing and involvement
Care centres need to focus on both involvement and wellbeing to create the most favourable conditions for developing children's competences. Ferre Laevers and Bart Declercq explain
Helping children acquire ‘knowledge worth learning'
Young children may have high levels of competence in areas they have not formally been taught. Edita Slunjski looks at how educators can support them
Skilful children or competent children?
What is the difference between a skill and a competence? Laura Malavasi considers how to extend the areas within which teaching takes place
Supporting parents in asking and looking for high quality early childhood services
Denise Taylor outlines how parents are empowered to make childcare choices in Australia's market dominated system
From blaming the parents to parents as researchers
Parents are prime educators of their children. Marie-Laure Cadart, Michelle Clausier, Emmanuelle Murcier and Ellen Rutgeerts show how an initiative from France is helping to take parents' knowledge, experiences and competences into account
Living with competent children
Increasing competences means caring for the whole family, says Jesper Juul
Early childhood education and care: a new direction for European policy cooperation
Adam Pokorny considers how the European perspective on lifelong learning is changing to include early childhood education and care
Turning trash into treasure
Linking children's learning with the wider community can encourage the development of competences, says Adam Buckingham