From the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council: The "You Bet We Still Care!" survey is coming at the end of May!
The Child Care Human Resources Sector Council is sponsoring a survey of employers (including administrators, owners, directors, and supervisors) and employees (including ECEs and other program staff) working in regulated, full-day, centre-based programs.
The success of this survey will rely on you - good information on the child care work force requires a good response rate. When the survey is live at the end of May, child care program staff will be able to go right to a link on the CCHRSC website to access it, while employers will receive a link via email.
This is the first Canada-wide survey of child care wages and working conditions in almost 15 years. Responding to the survey will help to raise the profile of the ECEC profession and workforce. And as a thank-you for participating, you will be able to enter a draw to win an iPad!
For more information, and to receive e-mail notification when the survey is live at the end of May, please visit the CCHRSC website to sign-up for the CCHRSC's newsletter.
Download flyer in pdf to spread the word!