Early childhood education and care (ECEC) can bring a wide range of benefits - for children, parents and society at large. However, these benefits are conditional on "quality". The OECD's project "Encouraging Quality in ECEC" investigates what defines quality, which policies can promote and enhance quality, and how such policies can be effectively put in place. One of the project's outputs is a country-specific policy profile.
The policy profiles focus on issues of quality, and each report tackles a specific theme that was selected by the country reviewed. These reports suggest strengths and point to areas for further
reflection on current policy initiatives.
10 of 34 OECD countries are participating in the Quality Matters in ECEC: Country Policy Profiles. Canada is not included. This week features Korea where policy lever 2 - Designing and implementing curriculum and standards, is examined. Other participating countries will be featured over the next several weeks.