We at the Childcare Resource and Research Unit join all Canadians in remembering Jack Layton today, on the one year anniversary of his death. Our hearts go out to our friend Olivia Chow and members of their family.
We continue to take heart in the words from Jack's final letter to Canadians, "Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world."
Layton's legacy one year after his death, Canadian Press [Video 1:43]
When the chalk is washed away on the concrete at city hall, when our crying finally stops, the legacy of Jack Layton will not be in how much power you have, it will be in how all of us exercise our personal power for a better world. Rise to the occasion, because the torch is now passed. The job of making the world a better place is up to us.
-Rev. Brent Hawkes, Aug 27, 2011