In December 2009, the PEI Government set out a plan to develop a vision and framework for early childhood development. The departments of Education and Early Childhood Development (lead); Community Services, Seniors, and Labour; Health and Wellness; and Executive Council Office jointly issued a request for proposals to early childhood consultants for the development of such a plan.
This report represents ideas, perspectives, and preferences of hundreds of Island parents of preschool children, along with their grandparents, family members and friends. Parents of preschool children participated in focus groups, and responded enthusiastically to an Island wide survey. Island professionals who work with young children participated in interviews or submitted their opinions in writing. National and international experts were interviewed for their advice in developing early childhood systems, and research from around the world was carefully reviewed and studied. All of this information was analyzed within the context of life in Prince Edward Island.
Clearly, there is not a -one size fits all‖ plan for PEI. For some, the recommendations in this report will not be enough - and for others, they will go too far. The analysis and presentation of recommendations, however, has been undertaken with an emphasis on the best interests of the children of PEI, an appreciation that their parents want the best for their children and should be the ones to make such decisions, a knowledge of -what works‖, and an understanding that what is good for PEI‘s children and families is good for the whole Island.